Our Services

Virtual Training Solutions
We offer On-Line Courses thru our Teachable.com site, we can create an on-line course just for you, and we facilitate live virtual courses. What virtual solution can we create for you?

In-Person Training Solutions
Our Live In-Person Training is what we are nationally known for. We love to go to the client’s site and facilitate customized, interactive training sessions for staff. It’s what we do. Check us out…

Coaching • Consulting
Services designed to supplement our content and training. Customized to help your organization reach that next level of success. Live, Virtual, Mini-Trainings & more. Let us custom design a solution for you…

Virtual Training Solutions
We also create some cool resources. Some for free, others for a small investment. ALL designed to provide value. Products, Printable Resources, Workbooks, Mini-Trainings & more…
What Our Amazing Clients are Saying…
What’s New?

Check out our NEW On-Line Virtual Courses! COMING SOON!

Short, targeted mini-trainings. We keep the participant count low. More like super customized Coaching sessions, focused on problem solving real-time issues.

Communication Styles in a Remote Communication World:
1 hour live Web Based Training explaining the 4 main Communication Styles and how to adapt your message for each style.
– “Immediately impactful!” B. Tyler
– “I literally used some of the tips within 5 minutes!” C. Anderson
Our Blog
Investing in Your Most Valuable Asset
Take a look at your organization’s budget, where is your money going? To expenses, to stay afloat, buying capital equipment? While companies today are constantly striving to improve productivity and profitability they focus exclusively on the process and materials and...
Fidget Tools for Better Virtual Meetings
Show of hands – who loves virtual / zoom meetings? If we were actually in a virtual meeting right now, I am confident I would not see very many hands waving in the air (speaking of hands – we have a suggestion for those hands: fidget tools – see below). In all my...
Leaders: What TO Do in This New Remote World
SO much noise. How in the world can anyone figure out what is the right thing to do? From engaging employees, so they not only can be successful, but also NOT LEAVE, to managing all of the change being thrown at us. It can be overwhelming and exhausting. We are here...
About us
In today’s world market the factors that distinguish one business from the next often come down to the value of human capital. That means companies have to be more strategic about their hiring and development of their most valued asset – their employees.
At Not So Basic Training every training and consulting opportunity is approached with the same philosophy: excellent, well-trained employees are The Key to any successful company.
Effective employee training and system development have never been so important in maintaining a competitive edge. Since 1993 Not So Basic Training’s culture and core focus has been: love what we do, do what we excel at, have some fun AND get RESULTS for our clients!
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